
Posts Tagged ‘tension’

Redefining Scenes: Why a Scene is Not What You Think it is

August 25th, 2012 No comments

Scenes are an important way of dividing your story, both so it’s easier to read and easier to write. But a scene is so much more than that! On K. M. Weiland’s blog, Justine Schofield redefines scenes in a way that focusses on their real purpose. Here’s my take. Read more…

Build an Editing Plan to Make That 2nd Draft Easier

August 11th, 2012 No comments

So I’ve completed a first draft. Congrats to me! But now the intimidating wall that is editing has risen before me, taunting me with its scale and slippery surface!

Well, there ain’t nuttin’ I can do about the height, but I can add some handholds. Read more…

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